They started me on the treadmill this week, at a brisk walk of 5.5 kph. Being on a treadmill is an incredibly disorienting and yet somewhat enjoyable experience. Like the stepper. But I feel both would be enhanced if I were allowed to listen to music at the same time. I see my surgeon in a week and a half again. So we'll see how that goes.
The three modules are going well, although one of the Spanish classes was really quiet in terms of participation. I started up the next round of Social English, which also went well. Aladdin is one week till opening night!
I bought another LSAT prep book, this one specific to logic games, as I'm not really having much luck with them thus far at all.
We had a great Valentine's Day party at the dorm last Tuesday. Cookie decorating, card making, and music...quite a few people came, they seemed to enjoy it, and we didn't have an excessive amount of candy leftover, surprisingly.
I restart classes at the Primary School tomorrow!
And now random picture time again!