Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy (belated) New Year!
It's the Year of the Rat!

We had the week off because most students go home for the holiday. I went shopping earlier this week. :) Partially for sweaters and t-shirts (I realized I have only one warm sweater and only black t-shirts) and also to get things for our dorm Valentine's Day Party. It reminded me of being an HA again, buying arts and crafts supplies and a vast amount of candy. So that should be fun.

On Thursday some of us went into TST for the parade. We waited for almost an hour and a half, and then the thing kicked off. Some of the floats/performances were really interesting, like the one where a collection of children perched precariously on sticks or something several feet above the ground. There were dancers, elaborate costumes, dragons held by people on rollerblades. The floats were essentially a showdown of major companies or attractions in Hong Kong, such as Cathay Pacific and Ocean Park. There was one that was an ad which read "Shop for Real" meaning don't buy fakes. I couldn't see too well because we were three or four rows back from the parade and everyone had huuuuuge cameras that they shoved up as soon as anything approached.
Oh, and we also went to the Wishing Tree at Lam Tsuen. Supposedly, at one point, you threw oranges at the tree and if they stuck then your wish came true...? Or something. But when we went, the tree was pretty much tied up and there were signs asking that things not be hurled at the tree.

Today I have a half day practice for Aladding, 2-9. Weeeeeeeee!

1 comment:

redwhiner said...

Happy New Year to you! Sorry I've not been around lately. Hope your knee is doing better. I'm glad to hear all is going well with the classes and Aladdin. Love, love love the photos -- please keep them coming! Cool!