With the end of Aladdin, one would assume that time would suddenly be a bountiful commodity, but alas, such is not the case.
Interestingly, dance things have kicked in. I did an African dance workshop on campus on Thursday. Six people showed up and we danced ourselves silly. I was impressed with how quickly they picked up the moves! It was a lot of fun...and a lot of work. I'd forgotten how exhausting teaching/learning that dance is. Then, another ETA and I are working on some dances for a thing (apparently my new favorite word, on this day) in April. Indian dance, which to use an expression from my PT I've only touched. We worked two and a halfish hours on Friday, and it was good. Also a workout, which is what I need. Not quite related to dance, but physical movement none the less, I can jog! Not long or quickly, but I can do it!
I volunteered to do a Primary School Easter party on Friday afternoon. We had the students decorate paper eggs and then had them hide and find them. We also did an egg toss with hardboiled eggs. It turned into more of a throw-the-egg-as-hard-as-you-can-while-screaming-or-giggling-hysterically event, but was amusing for us.
I will also be doing (with other ETAs) an Easter party in the dorm on Tuesday. And in preparation of that, we 'blew' eggs today. This involves making two small holes in an egg and blowing out the contents then cleaning them in preparation of decorating them. This makes them last longer. Although I miss making Easter eggs back home and having contests with them.
I (finally) started LSAT prep. With the assistance of another ETA who has already taken the test, I started working on the Logic Games section. And it's so much easier to understand what's going on when someone maps it out and helps you work through a problem rather than trying to figure it out through a book. I've still obviously got much more work to do, but at least I don't feel quite as helpless as I normally do when faced with those questions.
I also went to a karaoke place last night! We got a room (seven of us) and sang loudly and no doubt offkey for close to three hours. It was a hilarious and good time.
Easter break is in a week. It seems like we're always having breaks. Ridiculous. I plan to study/explore Hong Kong. I was in Wong Tai Sin today looking for the place where I'll take the LSAT (yes, I know the test is in June, but one of the other ETAs has a test there in a few weeks, so I tagged along for the finding of it), and I realized how much I don't know Hong Kong at all. We'll blame my knee.
The weather is being simply stunning. Warming up, sunny, a little snap in the air. :)
And classes are going well.
So I guess my week can be summed up as a week of egg-blowing, scream singing, mall shopping, lsat studying, Easter partying, random dancing type THING.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Random (Aladdin) Picture Time!

Guards, Narrator, Townspeople, Carpet, Parrot
Jafar and me
The only place I had to put my lovely flowers was the extra garbage can
Sultan, Jafar, Aladdin, and choreographers
Guards and Parrots (one of my fav dressing room pics)
Yes, I wore this for a dance....
Genie, Cloud, Jafar
All Hail Prince Ali!

Parrot and a Cloud
Cast and Production Team

Sunday, March 2, 2008
And it's March! I used to be much better with keeping this updated. I'll blame Aladdin for it...it seems to be the convenient scapegoat for why I haven't studied for the LSAT, sent out resumes, etc. But Aladdin is over, sadly. It was really fun. The performances went well, the audiences were pretty good, and there are going to be some great pictures from pre, post, during, and post-post show. And we're getting copies of Thursday night's performance, so everyone who wants to see the ridiculousness that was Aladdin Jr can. :) And the cast got us (us being the choreographers and the directors etc) beautiful bouquets of flowers! It was so sweet of them. I didn't have a vase big enough to hold them (there's so many), so I used the extra trashcan in my room. I'm so incredibly classy.
The weather is starting to warm up and yesterday and today it has been absolutely gorgeous! I went to Yuen Long Saturday with another ETA and the teacher we work with at ECLC. We had Thai and Vietnamese food, which was really good. And then we went to Wong Tai Sin temple and then to a garden place in Diamond Hill. It was so nice to be off campus and outside in the nice weather.
Easter break is in two weeks...it's two weeks long. I feel like we just came out of Chinese New Year vacation, so it's odd to have even more time off. I plan to wander around HK, study, read, and honestly probably do a bit of shopping.
We got our assignments for the next China trip. I'm going to Nanjing! Very excited about that. We're going mid-April and that is pretty much the extent of my knowlege on this particular subject.
It seems so weird to not have Aladdin anymore...it hasn't quite sunk in yet. I've been working on it for six months or so. Odd.
As we go on
we remember
all the times we've
had together
and as our lives change
from whatever
we will still be
friends forever
(albeit perhaps facebook friends)
Ohh!! Random note. I saw my surgeon again on Tuesday. According to him, I'm still fighting for the last 2-5 degrees of straightening on my knee. But! I don't have to see him again till the end of May, which indeed may be the last time I ever see him. *sniff* And my PT, who I saw on Thursday, says I can start doing once a week PT visits, as long as I keep up the exercises at home and start going on walks/jogs. So cheers!
Photos to come at a later date.
The weather is starting to warm up and yesterday and today it has been absolutely gorgeous! I went to Yuen Long Saturday with another ETA and the teacher we work with at ECLC. We had Thai and Vietnamese food, which was really good. And then we went to Wong Tai Sin temple and then to a garden place in Diamond Hill. It was so nice to be off campus and outside in the nice weather.
Easter break is in two weeks...it's two weeks long. I feel like we just came out of Chinese New Year vacation, so it's odd to have even more time off. I plan to wander around HK, study, read, and honestly probably do a bit of shopping.
We got our assignments for the next China trip. I'm going to Nanjing! Very excited about that. We're going mid-April and that is pretty much the extent of my knowlege on this particular subject.
It seems so weird to not have Aladdin anymore...it hasn't quite sunk in yet. I've been working on it for six months or so. Odd.
As we go on
we remember
all the times we've
had together
and as our lives change
from whatever
we will still be
friends forever
(albeit perhaps facebook friends)
Ohh!! Random note. I saw my surgeon again on Tuesday. According to him, I'm still fighting for the last 2-5 degrees of straightening on my knee. But! I don't have to see him again till the end of May, which indeed may be the last time I ever see him. *sniff* And my PT, who I saw on Thursday, says I can start doing once a week PT visits, as long as I keep up the exercises at home and start going on walks/jogs. So cheers!
Photos to come at a later date.
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