Sunday, March 2, 2008

And it's March! I used to be much better with keeping this updated. I'll blame Aladdin for seems to be the convenient scapegoat for why I haven't studied for the LSAT, sent out resumes, etc. But Aladdin is over, sadly. It was really fun. The performances went well, the audiences were pretty good, and there are going to be some great pictures from pre, post, during, and post-post show. And we're getting copies of Thursday night's performance, so everyone who wants to see the ridiculousness that was Aladdin Jr can. :) And the cast got us (us being the choreographers and the directors etc) beautiful bouquets of flowers! It was so sweet of them. I didn't have a vase big enough to hold them (there's so many), so I used the extra trashcan in my room. I'm so incredibly classy.

The weather is starting to warm up and yesterday and today it has been absolutely gorgeous! I went to Yuen Long Saturday with another ETA and the teacher we work with at ECLC. We had Thai and Vietnamese food, which was really good. And then we went to Wong Tai Sin temple and then to a garden place in Diamond Hill. It was so nice to be off campus and outside in the nice weather.

Easter break is in two's two weeks long. I feel like we just came out of Chinese New Year vacation, so it's odd to have even more time off. I plan to wander around HK, study, read, and honestly probably do a bit of shopping.

We got our assignments for the next China trip. I'm going to Nanjing! Very excited about that. We're going mid-April and that is pretty much the extent of my knowlege on this particular subject.

It seems so weird to not have Aladdin hasn't quite sunk in yet. I've been working on it for six months or so. Odd.

As we go on
we remember
all the times we've
had together
and as our lives change
from whatever
we will still be
friends forever
(albeit perhaps facebook friends)

Ohh!! Random note. I saw my surgeon again on Tuesday. According to him, I'm still fighting for the last 2-5 degrees of straightening on my knee. But! I don't have to see him again till the end of May, which indeed may be the last time I ever see him. *sniff* And my PT, who I saw on Thursday, says I can start doing once a week PT visits, as long as I keep up the exercises at home and start going on walks/jogs. So cheers!

Photos to come at a later date.

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