Saturday, September 8, 2007

Had surgery Friday morning. I think it went well. Anesthesia is weird...and coming off it, so to speak, is incredibly disorienting and painful. I think I spent the first hour of it crying and feeling sick to my stomach. They wouldn't take me off the IV until I ate, but the food was so incredibly unappetizing. But I ate just so that they'd take the thing off.

They released me early Saturday morning. I have Physical Therapy on Wednesday, and a check-up with the doctor in two weeks. So we'll see how it all pans out.

Anyway, can't lie...hurts like you wouldn't believe. It feels like my knee is on fire half the time. But I suppose I'll get used to it/it'll wear off after awhile. *crosses fingers*

Off to lie down again and ponder the meaning of something. Maybe read a few more books. I've been plowing through them when I'm not half unconscious on my bed. :)

so kiss me goodbye
i'm going to make it out alive

1 comment:

redwhiner said...

I'm sending good thoughts your way for a speedy recovery. You poor thing. Yes, it will hurt for a while and YES, you will get better! Hang in there. Hey, you ain't lived til you've had anethesia in China, right? God, love ya! -G