Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It is officially a torn ACL. Almost completely torn, about 90%, which apparently is relatively intense. Nothing else seemed hurt though, which is good.

I am going in for surgery on Friday (assuming the time slot is still available when I go in tomorrow for Physical Therapy).

Hugs to all...hope all is well with everyone.


Brymer Photo said...

Sorry to hear about the tear. Guess that means you want be playing fullback for the Hong Kong Vikings this season.

Sounds like you're keeping your chin up and staying positive. Where can we send a care package?

redwhiner said...

Given the alternatives of coming home or hobbling around in pain with a torn ACL for a year, I think the surgery is your best bet. (I know it doesn't seem that way now.) I wish you didn't have to be alone. We are sending good thoughts your way. Please let us know how it goes.