Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm going in for surgery tomorrow. They called me during class, and when I picked up, it was my surgeon asking could the procedure take place tomorrow, rather than next week. After several confused and anxious phone calls, I worked stuff out, and it's a go. And then it will be over.

I'm anxious, nervous, worried. But I guess that's just the way some things go. At least they didn't make me check in today...I'd be there now, in a cold room with several other people, covers pulled up to my chin, book in hand, reading light bent down over my shoulder, trying to plow through something, anything to take my mind off the next morning. At least I got to eat real food tonight. Lucky me, I get wonderful hospital food tomorrow for dinner.

Anyway, outside of that, life is good. My workshop went well today, rehearsal wasn't really rehearsal, and there were Halloween activities in the hostel this evening. Now I need to go take the nail polish off my nails, make sure my bag is packed for the hospital (I've overnighted there twice'd think I'd know exactly what I need, but alas, such is not the case), and um, not worry. Hahahahahahahaha. Ha. Ha.


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